International Online Exhibition and Market of Persian Handicrafts


Islamic Pottery- Islamic ceramics

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Vessel ceramic motif danzaros- islámica- Iran twelfth century AD.
Vessel ceramic motif danzaros- islámica- Iran twelfth century AD.
Bowl with Symetric details– Islamic Ceramic – Nishapoor  Iran - century X A.D
Bowl with Symetric details– Islamic Ceramic – Nishapoor Iran - century X A.D
Bowl with geometric and Calligraphic details - Islamic ceramic in Nishapoor Iran. Centuries X
Bowl with geometric and Calligraphic details - Islamic ceramic in Nishapoor Iran. Centuries X
Dish and Pitcher with herbage details, islamic ceramic in Iran, centuries XI and XII A.D.
Dish and Pitcher with herbage details, islamic ceramic in Iran, centuries XI and XII A.D.
Bottle - ceramic from Iran, Kashan at the end of century XII A.D
Bottle - ceramic from Iran, Kashan at the end of century XII A.D
Bowl with herbage decoration – Islamic Ceramic -Centuries XI and XII A.D
Bowl with herbage decoration – Islamic Ceramic -Centuries XI and XII A.D
Bowl with zoomorphic details and calligraphy - Islamic Ceramic of Iran, Manzandaran / centuries X and XI A.D
Bowl with zoomorphic details and calligraphy - Islamic Ceramic of Iran, Manzandaran / centuries X and XI A.D
Blue vase decorated with Islamic ceramics aves- - Irán- acronym XII AD.
Blue vase decorated with Islamic ceramics aves- - Irán- acronym XII AD.
Bowl with Symetric– Islamic Ceramic – Nishapur de Iran - centuries X A.D
Bowl with Symetric– Islamic Ceramic – Nishapur de Iran - centuries X A.D
Bowl and pitcher - islamic ceramic in Iran, century XII A.D.
Bowl and pitcher - islamic ceramic in Iran, century XII A.D.
Bowl with herbage decoration – Islamic Ceramic - Transoxiana, Iran –  Century X A.D
Bowl with herbage decoration – Islamic Ceramic - Transoxiana, Iran – Century X A.D
Bowls with Kufic calligraphy - Islamic ceramic in Nishapoor Iran - centuries X and XI A.D
Bowls with Kufic calligraphy - Islamic ceramic in Nishapoor Iran - centuries X and XI A.D
Vessel and Dish decorated with birds - Islamic Ceramic, probably Mazandaran, century X A.D
Vessel and Dish decorated with birds - Islamic Ceramic, probably Mazandaran, century X A.D
Bluff with rings – Islamic ceramic - From Central Asia or East of Iran, probably during century XI A.D
Bluff with rings – Islamic ceramic - From Central Asia or East of Iran, probably during century XI A.D
Symetric Blue Bucaro– Islamic Ceramic  - Iran- century XII a.D.
Symetric Blue Bucaro– Islamic Ceramic - Iran- century XII a.D.
Bluff and Pitcher - islamic ceramic from Central Asia or East Iran, probably durgin 9th century A.D
Bluff and Pitcher - islamic ceramic from Central Asia or East Iran, probably durgin 9th century A.D
Bowl with green and white pigmentation in kufic calligraphy at Iraq during century IX and X A.D
Bowl with green and white pigmentation in kufic calligraphy at Iraq during century IX and X A.D
Bluff and vessel with geometric vessels - Iran during century X and XI A.D
Bluff and vessel with geometric vessels - Iran during century X and XI A.D
Fragments of Islamic ceramics - Egypt, century X and XI A.D.
Fragments of Islamic ceramics - Egypt, century X and XI A.D.
three vessels with calligraphy and geometric details - islamic ceramic in Syria or Egypt, century XII A.D y motivos geométricos– cerámica islámica- Siria o Egipto- siglo XII dC.
three vessels with calligraphy and geometric details - islamic ceramic in Syria or Egypt, century XII A.D y motivos geométricos– cerámica islámica- Siria o Egipto- siglo XII dC.
Bowl with zoomorphic details and calligraphy - Islamic Ceramic of Iran / centuries X and XI A.D
Bowl with zoomorphic details and calligraphy - Islamic Ceramic of Iran / centuries X and XI A.D
Bowl with kufic calligraphy - Islamic Ceramic probably in Nishapoor Iran, century X A.D.
Bowl with kufic calligraphy - Islamic Ceramic probably in Nishapoor Iran, century X A.D.
Bowls with zoomorphic details - Iranian Islamic Ceramic in Nishapoor, around century X A.D
Bowls with zoomorphic details - Iranian Islamic Ceramic in Nishapoor, around century X A.D
Bowl with calligraphy details - Nishapur in Iran - century X A.D
Bowl with calligraphy details - Nishapur in Iran - century X A.D
