Death of Rostam - Taracea (Marquetry) Persian
Death of Rostam - Taracea (Marquetry) Persian
Miniature in Mural of Chehel Sotun (Palace of the Forty Pillars) in Isfahán, Iran - 17
Miniature in Mural of Chehel Sotun (Palace of the Forty Pillars) in Isfahán, Iran - 17
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname of Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 2
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname of Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 2
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname de Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 4
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname de Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 4
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname of Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 6
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname of Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 6
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature  - Shahname of Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 5
Master Pieces of Persian Miniature - Shahname of Ferdowsi (Ed. Baysanqiri) - 5
Melody / Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Afyehi
Melody / Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Afyehi
Kauzar (La Abundancia) - Pictoric Islamic Calligraphy / Iran
Kauzar (La Abundancia) - Pictoric Islamic Calligraphy / Iran
Heart - Pictoric Islamic Calligraphy / Iran
Heart - Pictoric Islamic Calligraphy / Iran
Merciful / Islamic Art - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy / Iran
Merciful / Islamic Art - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy / Iran
Peace - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
Peace - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
Imam Khomeini - Politician, Mystic and Father
Imam Khomeini - Politician, Mystic and Father
4090 3 0
Imam Khomeini - Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979)
Imam Khomeini - Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979)
3585 6 0
Ayatollah Ruhollah Musawi al-Khomeini - Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran / 199
Ayatollah Ruhollah Musawi al-Khomeini - Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran / 199
5761 2 0
Imam Khomeini and Islam
Imam Khomeini and Islam
3572 2 0
Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution of Iran
3525 2 0
Imam Khomeini - Politician, mystic, Leader
Imam Khomeini - Politician, mystic, Leader
3177 5 0
Imam Khomeni - Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Imam Khomeni - Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
3751 3 0
Imam Khomeini - Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979)
Imam Khomeini - Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979)
3681 7 0
Imam Khomeni exiled in France
Imam Khomeni exiled in France
4096 5 0
