International Online Exhibition and Market of Persian Handicrafts


City of Qom in Iran

0 Followers    9 years 4 months ago

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Islamic Architecture - View of the largest roof tiles and muqarnas dome of Yamkaran mean, Qom.
Islamic Architecture - View of the largest roof tiles and muqarnas dome of Yamkaran mean, Qom.
Islamic architecture - The view of stalactite, hanging lamp and tiles Yamkaran mosque, Qom
Islamic architecture - The view of stalactite, hanging lamp and tiles Yamkaran mosque, Qom
Islamic Architecture - The view of the room, mirrors and chandeliers in the mosque Mutahhari shahid, the Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom (61)
Islamic Architecture - The view of the room, mirrors and chandeliers in the mosque Mutahhari shahid, the Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom (61)
Islamic architecture - Wall decorated with floral motifs - Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic architecture - Wall decorated with floral motifs - Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - A view of a mosaic with geometric and plant motifs in a wall of the shrine of Fatima Masuma (P) in the holy city of Qom (18)
Islamic Architecture - A view of a mosaic with geometric and plant motifs in a wall of the shrine of Fatima Masuma (P) in the holy city of Qom (18)
Islamic architecture and calligraphy - A view of the tomb from the marble hall at the shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic architecture and calligraphy - A view of the tomb from the marble hall at the shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - A view of the minarets and dome of the shrine of Fatima Masuma , sahn Atiqh - from the holy city of Qom - tiles and ceramics - prayed dome
Islamic Architecture - A view of the minarets and dome of the shrine of Fatima Masuma , sahn Atiqh - from the holy city of Qom - tiles and ceramics - prayed dome
Islamic Architecture - A carved door at the Shrine of Fatima Masuma
Islamic Architecture - A carved door at the Shrine of Fatima Masuma
Islamic Architecture - Shrine of Fatima Masuma
Islamic Architecture - Shrine of Fatima Masuma
Islamic Architecture - View of golden dome of the Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom, Iran (11)
Islamic Architecture - View of golden dome of the Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom, Iran (11)
Islamic Architecture - collective prayer in the living Imam Khomeini Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom - 77
Islamic Architecture - collective prayer in the living Imam Khomeini Shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom - 77
Islamic Architecture - Pilgrims touching the contours of the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - Pilgrims touching the contours of the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Arquitecture - A glance to the Jamkaran Mosque, near the holy city of Qom in Iran - 132
Islamic Arquitecture - A glance to the Jamkaran Mosque, near the holy city of Qom in Iran - 132
Islamic Architecture - Silver edges of the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - Silver edges of the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - Registration in precious metal shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - Registration in precious metal shrine of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic mosaics and decorative tile (Kashi Kari) - Frame explaining the preferred form of prayer Yamkaran mosque, Qom
Islamic mosaics and decorative tile (Kashi Kari) - Frame explaining the preferred form of prayer Yamkaran mosque, Qom
Islamic mosaics and decorative tile (Kashi Kari) - Arch with arabesques with floral motifs in Yamkaran mosque, Qom - 125
Islamic mosaics and decorative tile (Kashi Kari) - Arch with arabesques with floral motifs in Yamkaran mosque, Qom - 125
Islamic Architecture - View of the sanctuary of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom - 88
Islamic Architecture - View of the sanctuary of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom - 88
Islamic Architecture - The view of domes and minarets of Yankaran mosque in holy city of Qom
Islamic Architecture - The view of domes and minarets of Yankaran mosque in holy city of Qom
Islamic Architecture - Fountain in center of the large courtyard in the sanctuary of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom
Islamic Architecture - Fountain in center of the large courtyard in the sanctuary of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom
Islamic Architecture - The view from outside the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom (19)
Islamic Architecture - The view from outside the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom (19)
Islamic Architecture - The view of tiles and embedded mirrors on the ceiling , Fatima Masuma' Holy Shrine in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - The view of tiles and embedded mirrors on the ceiling , Fatima Masuma' Holy Shrine in the holy city of Qom.
Islamic Architecture - A view of the side of the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom. (14)
Islamic Architecture - A view of the side of the tomb of Fatima Masuma in the holy city of Qom. (14)
Art of embedded mirrors (aine kari) - The view of the grave and the special room at the shrine of Fatima Masuma (p) in the holy city of Qom
Art of embedded mirrors (aine kari) - The view of the grave and the special room at the shrine of Fatima Masuma (p) in the holy city of Qom
