International Online Exhibition and Market of Persian Handicrafts


N. Afyehi

0 Followers    55 years 2 weeks ago

Recent Pins

Descents of Light - Persian pictoric Calligraphy
Descents of Light - Persian pictoric Calligraphy
Submission - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy Afyehi / Iran
Submission - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy Afyehi / Iran
 The Quran, The Guide - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
The Quran, The Guide - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
Appearence - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
Appearence - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
The holy word Bismillah written in the shape of a bird  - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 17
The holy word Bismillah written in the shape of a bird - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 17
The Merciful (Iranian)  Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 14
The Merciful (Iranian) Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 14
"Enjoy" - Pictorial Calligraphy - Oil, gold and ink on mat - N. Afyehi.
"Enjoy" - Pictorial Calligraphy - Oil, gold and ink on mat - N. Afyehi.
"Government of Love" - Pictorial Calligraphy - Oil, gold and ink on canvas - N. Afyehi
"Government of Love" - Pictorial Calligraphy - Oil, gold and ink on canvas - N. Afyehi
 turquoise  - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
turquoise - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
The holy word Bismillah written in the shape of a bird (2) - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 15
The holy word Bismillah written in the shape of a bird (2) - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 15
Heavenly / persian pictoric calligraphy (The Real word is Love, the rest are just simple words)
Heavenly / persian pictoric calligraphy (The Real word is Love, the rest are just simple words)
 Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - "God is sufficient for you to face them"
Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - "God is sufficient for you to face them"
The Exalted Name of Allah - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
The Exalted Name of Allah - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
Tauhid (Unity of Allah) / Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
Tauhid (Unity of Allah) / Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
The holy word Bismillah written in the shape of a bird  - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 16
The holy word Bismillah written in the shape of a bird - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - 16
Astrolabe - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy Afyehi / Iran
Astrolabe - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy Afyehi / Iran
 The Quran, The Lamp of Guidance - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
The Quran, The Lamp of Guidance - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy
 Ali, Evidence of Allah - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy /Afyeh
Ali, Evidence of Allah - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy /Afyeh
Nature - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
Nature - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
Sohrab . A mythical hero in the ancient Persiaan mithology - Shahaname of Ferdwosi. Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
Sohrab . A mythical hero in the ancient Persiaan mithology - Shahaname of Ferdwosi. Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
"Goverment of Love - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
"Goverment of Love - Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
Arg -city or Castle- - Persian pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
Arg -city or Castle- - Persian pictoric Calligraphy - Islamic Art
Melody / Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Afyehi
Melody / Persian Pictoric Calligraphy - Afyehi
Kauzar (La Abundancia) - Pictoric Islamic Calligraphy / Iran
Kauzar (La Abundancia) - Pictoric Islamic Calligraphy / Iran
