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Antique editions of the Holy Quran from early times to XIII hiyri (XIX d.C).

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Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Istanbul or around 1700 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Istanbul or around 1700 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran - Istanbul or around 1683 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran - Istanbul or around 1683 AD.
Ancient calligraphy from the Quran -  A. Neirizi 1722 AD.
Ancient calligraphy from the Quran - A. Neirizi 1722 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Istanbul or around 1709 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Istanbul or around 1709 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran - probably Isfahan, 1690 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran - probably Isfahan, 1690 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Istanbul or around 1768 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Istanbul or around 1768 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Iran, probably Isfahan, 1663 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Quran; Iran, probably Isfahan, 1663 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Qoran; Istanbul or around 1790 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Qoran; Istanbul or around 1790 AD.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Qoran - Istanbul or around 1798 AD. (110)
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Qoran - Istanbul or around 1798 AD. (110)
Antique tazhib and decoration of the Holy Quran - Istanbul (123)
Antique tazhib and decoration of the Holy Quran - Istanbul (123)
Antique tazhib and decoration of the Holy Quran - Northern India, eighteenth century.
Antique tazhib and decoration of the Holy Quran - Northern India, eighteenth century.
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation (Tazhib) of the Qoran , Istanbul and around, In the middle of the eighteenth century AD. (211)
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation (Tazhib) of the Qoran , Istanbul and around, In the middle of the eighteenth century AD. (211)
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Qoran - Ottoman Empire, probably Edirne, 1758 AD. (4)
Ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Qoran - Ottoman Empire, probably Edirne, 1758 AD. (4)
Antique editions (style Tazhib) - Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran  -Isfahan- probably between 1668-1691
Antique editions (style Tazhib) - Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran -Isfahan- probably between 1668-1691
 Holy Quran in Islamic Chinese Calligraphy by Ming Dinasty (1368 - 1644)
Holy Quran in Islamic Chinese Calligraphy by Ming Dinasty (1368 - 1644)
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran in India, probably by Heidar Abad or Golkanda, before 1710 A.D
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran in India, probably by Heidar Abad or Golkanda, before 1710 A.D
Calligraphy and old ornamentation of the Holy Quran made in Marocco ( 1592 A.D.
Calligraphy and old ornamentation of the Holy Quran made in Marocco ( 1592 A.D.
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran in India, Haidar Abad, 1782 A.D
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran in India, Haidar Abad, 1782 A.D
Ancient Calligraphy and decoration of the Holy Qur'an made in the East of Sudan (end of century XIX)
Ancient Calligraphy and decoration of the Holy Qur'an made in the East of Sudan (end of century XIX)
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran; Istambul around 1787 A.D.
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran; Istambul around 1787 A.D.
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Qoran made in Nort AFrica during Ottoman Empire ruling (XIX )
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Qoran made in Nort AFrica during Ottoman Empire ruling (XIX )
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran in India, probably by Heidar Abad or Golkanda, before 1710 A.D
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Quran in India, probably by Heidar Abad or Golkanda, before 1710 A.D
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of Qoran; India, probably in Haidar Abad or Golkanda, befor 1710 A.D
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of Qoran; India, probably in Haidar Abad or Golkanda, befor 1710 A.D
Tazhib (Ornamentation) Goshaiesh StyleTazhib (ornamentación) - Probably from Shiraz, 1788 A.D. - 13
Tazhib (Ornamentation) Goshaiesh StyleTazhib (ornamentación) - Probably from Shiraz, 1788 A.D. - 13
