International Online Exhibition and Market of Persian Handicrafts


Antique editions of the Holy Quran from early times to XIII hiyri (XIX d.C).

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Ancient decoration of the Holy Qoran, made in East Sudan (at the end of XIX A-D)
Ancient decoration of the Holy Qoran, made in East Sudan (at the end of XIX A-D)
Ancient Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Qoran - Istambul, around year 179 A.D
Ancient Calligraphy and Ornamentation of the Holy Qoran - Istambul, around year 179 A.D
Ancient Calligraphy and Decoration of the Holy Quran in East Sudan (1835 A.D.)
Ancient Calligraphy and Decoration of the Holy Quran in East Sudan (1835 A.D.)
Calligraphy and ornamentation of the Holy Qur'an made in Marrocco, probably during the first half of XIX century
Calligraphy and ornamentation of the Holy Qur'an made in Marrocco, probably during the first half of XIX century
Calligraphy and ancient ornamentation of Qoran made in East Africa (1794 A.D)
Calligraphy and ancient ornamentation of Qoran made in East Africa (1794 A.D)
Ornamentation and Calligraphy of the Holy Qoran Istambul, around 1694 A.D
Ornamentation and Calligraphy of the Holy Qoran Istambul, around 1694 A.D
Ancient Calligrapy and ornamentation; Iran, probably in Isfahan, 1700 A.D.
Ancient Calligrapy and ornamentation; Iran, probably in Isfahan, 1700 A.D.
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of Holy Qoran, Probably in India 1654 and 1686 A.D
Calligraphy and Ornamentation of Holy Qoran, Probably in India 1654 and 1686 A.D
Ancient Calligraphy of Qoran,made in East Sudan (towards 1786)
Ancient Calligraphy of Qoran,made in East Sudan (towards 1786)
Calligraphy and ancient ornamentation of Qoran made in East Africa (1794 A.D)
Calligraphy and ancient ornamentation of Qoran made in East Africa (1794 A.D)
Calligraphy and ornamentation of the Holy Qur'an made in Marrocco, probably during the first half of XIX century
Calligraphy and ornamentation of the Holy Qur'an made in Marrocco, probably during the first half of XIX century
Ancient calligraphy and decoration of the Qur'an, made in East Sudan (at the end of XIX A.D)
Ancient calligraphy and decoration of the Qur'an, made in East Sudan (at the end of XIX A.D)
Calligraphy and ornamentation of the Holy Qur'an, made in North Africa (second half of century XVIII A.D)
Calligraphy and ornamentation of the Holy Qur'an, made in North Africa (second half of century XVIII A.D)
Ancient Calligraphy of the Holy Qoran, Made in China in times of  Ming Dinasty (1368 - 1644)
Ancient Calligraphy of the Holy Qoran, Made in China in times of Ming Dinasty (1368 - 1644)
Ancient Islamic calligraphy, made in China in Ming Dinasty (1368 - 1644)
Ancient Islamic calligraphy, made in China in Ming Dinasty (1368 - 1644)
The ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Koran; Istanbul or other region within the Ottoman Empire, 1677 AD.
The ancient calligraphy and ornamentation of the Koran; Istanbul or other region within the Ottoman Empire, 1677 AD.
Calligraphy of the Holy Quran made in China by Ming Dinasty (1368 -1644)
Calligraphy of the Holy Quran made in China by Ming Dinasty (1368 -1644)
