International Online Exhibition and Market of Persian Handicrafts


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Persische Islamische Kalligraphie  - Naskh Stil: Muslimische Frau während dem schreiben einiger Zeilen des heiligen Koran`s - Islamische Kunst
Persische Islamische Kalligraphie - Naskh Stil: Muslimische Frau während dem schreiben einiger Zeilen des heiligen Koran`s - Islamische Kunst

Hijab, which means covering the body from non-mahrams, is one of the essential laws of Islam. There is Hijab in other divine religions, including Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity, with some differences.
Hijab does not mean that women are not allowed to attend to society and doing activities. It has, however, made women more successful in society. The presence of Muslim women is well seen in all fields in society.
Hijab is not limited to chadors. Hijab is sometimes defined in other definition, such as long manteaus and scarves. The manteau covers the body to above the wrist so that the neck and underwear are not visible. Its color and model do not attract non-mahrams' eyes.
Click here to see more photos of Muslim woman hijab.

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