International Online Exhibition and Market of Persian Handicrafts


Islamic Pottery- Islamic ceramics

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Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Pitcher with white and blue pigmentation; Afghanistan, Bamiyan - late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Pitcher with white and blue pigmentation; Afghanistan, Bamiyan - late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Source decorated with geometric motifs and bird - Syria , XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Source decorated with geometric motifs and bird - Syria , XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Fountain with lion figure chasing a gazelle - Syria , XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Fountain with lion figure chasing a gazelle - Syria , XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl and plate with Islamic ceramic reliefs gometric - XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl and plate with Islamic ceramic reliefs gometric - XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Plate with human figures - Kashan, late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Plate with human figures - Kashan, late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Green pots with calligraphy , eastern Iran - late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Green pots with calligraphy , eastern Iran - late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Vessels with geometric reliefs - Kashan, late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Vessels with geometric reliefs - Kashan, late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery- Islamic ceramics - Motif Pitcher zoomorfos - Iraq , VIII AD.
Islamic Pottery- Islamic ceramics - Motif Pitcher zoomorfos - Iraq , VIII AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl and dish with geometric patterns; Afghanistan, Bamian - late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl and dish with geometric patterns; Afghanistan, Bamian - late twelfth century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl and plate decorated with birds - XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl and plate decorated with birds - XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl with flower motives - Iraq , IX and X AD.
Islamic Pottery - Islamic ceramics - Bowl with flower motives - Iraq , IX and X AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls with symmetrical motifs - Nishapur - X centuries AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls with symmetrical motifs - Nishapur - X centuries AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Ceramics vessels decorated with Islamic calligraphy - Nishapur - X centuries AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Ceramics vessels decorated with Islamic calligraphy - Nishapur - X centuries AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls decorated with bird - Nishapur - X and XI centuries AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls decorated with bird - Nishapur - X and XI centuries AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls with anthropomorphic and Iraq zoomorfos -  IX and X AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls with anthropomorphic and Iraq zoomorfos - IX and X AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Blue ceramic pot with motifs of flower - XII century AD.
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Blue ceramic pot with motifs of flower - XII century AD.
Bowl with Kufic detailes, calligraphy and islamic ceramic - Nishapur in Iran -centuries X and XI A.D..
Bowl with Kufic detailes, calligraphy and islamic ceramic - Nishapur in Iran -centuries X and XI A.D..
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls with vegetable and geometric motifs - Afghanistan, Bamian - late twelfth century AD. (21)
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Bowls with vegetable and geometric motifs - Afghanistan, Bamian - late twelfth century AD. (21)
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Green vessel motif danzaros - XII century AD. (35)
Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Green vessel motif danzaros - XII century AD. (35)
Green pots, eastern Iran , late twelfth century AD - Islamic Pottery & ceramics (45)
Green pots, eastern Iran , late twelfth century AD - Islamic Pottery & ceramics (45)
 Bowl with symmetrical grounds , Syria , XIII century AD - Islamic Pottery & ceramics.
Bowl with symmetrical grounds , Syria , XIII century AD - Islamic Pottery & ceramics.
Bowl with human figure in center , Kashan - XII century AD - Islamic Pottery & ceramics
Bowl with human figure in center , Kashan - XII century AD - Islamic Pottery & ceramics
Bowls with calligraphic motives - Islamic Ceramic of Irak/centuries IX y X A.D
Bowls with calligraphic motives - Islamic Ceramic of Irak/centuries IX y X A.D
Pot with plant motifs and Calligraphic details - Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Syria - XIII century AD (fifteen)
Pot with plant motifs and Calligraphic details - Islamic Pottery & ceramics - Syria - XIII century AD (fifteen)
